Choose Mt. Vernon High School
Why choose Mt. Vernon High School?
Our student enrollment averages 650 students that engage in advanced technological learning with our 1:1 instruction with Chromebooks daily. In 2017, we proudly had over two million dollars awarded in scholarships among our senior class and five National Merit Scholarship Finalists. We offer 23 sports teams for both boys and girls. Every year, we have a medley of conference, state, and regional award recipients for our dedicated athletes. In addition, our fine arts academy consistently produces high-quality art as well as, a wonderful band, choir, and theater performances.We have honors content at the highest level possible in core content areas that are challenging and rewarding to students. These classes are off of a standards-based curriculum which prepares students for anything they choose to do. We offer dual credit AP (Advanced Placement) opportunities for pre-college credit. Our teacher to student ratio is lower than the state average which helps teachers understand students more specifically and better meet their needs in the classroom.
We have block scheduling which is similar to college-level classes to help students adjust well to higher learning after high school. If a vocational school is a better fit for your child, then we also have courses for Juniors and Seniors at the Southern Indiana Career & Technical Center. This is something you would want to talk to our counselors about, if interested.
Guidance Information
Our student-centered guidance office is staffed by licensed school counselors and a secretary. The guidance office staff assists students in making wise decisions concerning their future. Students are provided information concerning high school requirements as well as exploring the many opportunities available for them following graduation. The many services available to students are not limited to academics. Through individual and small group settings, the guidance office works to meet the varying needs of high school age students.The website link for the guidance department provides a wealth of information including the following:
- Monthly guidance department newsletter
- Scholarship and financial aid opportunities
- SAT and ACT testing information/preparation
- Career planning information
- College admission information
- 21st Century Scholars
Vision Statement
"The Mt. Vernon High School community strives to create a learning environment where all students learn in order to achieve an academic and cultural education that will serve all aspects of their lives -- family, social, and professional -- in order to facilitate entry into and traverse of any post-secondary curriculum, any career, any job choice, and any social/cultural opportunity they may choose to explore."If you are interested in enrolling and would like more information, please click here.
![HS logo MV transparent with MVHS under](/images/hs-images/HS_logo_MV_transparent_with_MVHS_under.png)
![Tradition Starts Here](/images/hs-images/Tradition_Starts_Here.png)